Sun 12 Jan
Your FAV Ebony Playmate is LEAVING SOON Dont miss out! Fetish Friendly $60 specials - 21
(Texoma, Texahoma/Sherman/Denison/)
ⓢⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛINCALL ☎#❶ SEXY☜❤☞ freaky ☜❤☞ Mix.X.xed ☜❤☞ 36C+9.5Fl ☜❤☞ Barbie ♡Specials! **CALL NOW** HUNG - 24
(North DFW, 75/635*IN♥40/60/120hr♡OUT♥180 ♥24hrs)
Super Specials * Busty * Classy * Sweet * Super Specials $100 $100 $100 - 23
(Texoma, Sherman/Denison/ 75&82 Incall/Outcall)
Savannah💜Young 💜Petite 💜SpiNNER 💜 UpScale Freak 💜 OUTCALL ONLY - 19
(Texoma, Sherman, denison, gainsville, ok, bonham)
I have a thing for guys in dark dress socks
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls, everywhere)
*。NEW *。1st NIGHT *。Mature Sexy Provider *。 Ready to Make you a Happy man。Specials - 36
Best Body Massage includes everything you want - don't get ripped off!
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls, 1)
*60** "T H I C K "B" O O T---Y" "SWEET" "N" ----- "SEX--Y---" **60** - 24
:* :* F_r_e_a_k_y F_r_i_d_a_y S-p-e-c-i-a-l (B)L(O)N(D)E [Beauty]:* :* - 22
Sat 11 Jan
CAUTION *•-:¦:-•* UR NEW *•-:¦:-•* ADDICTION•* U WILL -:¦:- NEVER -:¦:-FORGET ME - 21
(Dallas, Hwy35,Northwest hwy)
*¨¨* ×× *¨¨* DAZZLiNG *¨¨* X× *¨¨* BLONDE *¨¨* ×× *¨¨* KNOCKOUT *¨¨* ×× *¨¨* - 24
(Texoma, in and out calls sherman incal;l)
the perfect choice to satisfy any craving!
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls, City Location)
😈SINful Sensual SWEET😇 Soft Passionate Personality you can not resist! 🔥Elite SEXy Redhead GF💋 VIP❌⭕️ - 27
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, Richardson Upscale Incall 75/E Campbell, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls)
❤💙 SWEET🍭🍬🍧 * CLASSY🍩🍪 * 100% ME OR FREE ♡♡Erotic Satisfaction Guarantee🍒💄👑d ❤💙 London💌 - - 31
(Arlingtonish, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls)
--Wanna have the STEAMIEST session you've EVER had? Why wait call Ty! McKinney! - 23
(Texoma, Mckinney)
Texoma's Upscale Elite Gentleman, are U ready for a FUN & Pleasurable Experience?! - 24
(Texoma, Sherman/Denison/Surrounding)
Relaxation Specialist - 33
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, S.Arlington: Collins Near 20, South DFW, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls)
❤️❤️❤️ New In Town!!!💄💄Hot And Ready To Spend Some Time With You💋💋💋Come And Get Me💋💌❤️ - 19
(Texoma, Lewisville/Irving and Dallas Metro Plex)
Texoma's Upscale Elite Gentleman, are U ready for a FUN & Pleasurable Experience?! - 24
(Texoma, Sherman/Denison)
♥— SUPeR— ♥— CuTe —♥ NUMBeR ♥— ( iN/OUt SPeCiALS) - 18up ALLNITE* - 18
(Texoma, DurANt! $heRMaN.inCaLL* McKinney.)
Sweet you will not regret seeing me
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls, In your arms ;))
Upscale Provider. 100% Real pics, Excellent Service, &Great; Rates Incall/Outcall - 24
(Texoma, Texoma, Ardmore Areas)
WE R ☆J U § † ★ TH Â † ★G Õ Õ Ð!!!!! 💘 NUMBER ONE IN TEXOMA! ..2GIRLs SpeCialS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 22
(Texoma, Mckinney**TexomaLand**Lewisville**kiss!)
***~~~Sexy Misty LooKinG For FUN...AVAiLABLE NOW!!!! ~903 ~ 328~ 6784 ~*24*hrs. Call Me BaBE!!! - 42 - 42
(Texoma, SHeRMan AreA incall)
☆_T H €_P € R F € C T_ •☆•_C H O i C €_ ☆• •☆• - MiSty!!!!! .... AVAILABLE Now iNcaLL - 42
(Texoma, SHeRMan AreA incall!)
(¯`·._.· °•* ☆ SeXy BarbiE LookIn For Fun... up All night!!!!!!!!! - 42 - 42
(Texoma, Sherman, Texoma, Durant, Mckinney!)
Beautiful Sexy Single Mom Beautiful Butt and Addicting Personality OUTCALL ONLY (140HR) - 32
(Texoma, Sexy SINGLE MOM FOR YOU Outcall Only)
Sensual 24y.o. -- (Girl Next - l Door l - Playmate) -- * - Avail.Now@my plaCe. Sherman - 24
(Texoma, Sherman incall my place!)
☎ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ____ h___ _ o__ __ _t__ __ __ ____ b__ _r__ _u_ __n _ e__t__ t___ e__! Kourtny. - 23
(Texoma, North Side of Mckinney 903-744-6483☎New!)
💞 Real Girl Next Door💞 Brunette..FUN!! - 22
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texoma, Tyler, 👠incall and outcall👠)
Let* ❤.•* Me* ❤.•* Make * ❤.•* Miracles * ❤.•* Happen* ❤.•* For* ❤.•* You* ❤.• - 23
(Texoma, closer than you think)
Dripping slippery specials 💜Young 💜Petite 💜SpiNNER 💜 UpScale Freak 💜 - 19
(Texoma, Sherman,Denison,Gainsville)
specials all night give me a call !!!
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls, In your arms ;))
60 $ ██ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ██ ___________G E N T L E M E N S _❶_ C H O I C E_____________ ██ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ██ - 28
(Texoma, Sherman Tx)
💘💙💘 S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣💨t!❥▬► Hot👑bOdy 2 bOdy 💥💯%Real 💯%Me Guaranteed🌹London❤🍒◀▬💘★ - 3 - 31
(Arlington, South DFW)
• ★ ▃ ⭐️ ▃ ★ PaNTieS • ⭐️ R ⭐️• OFF !• ★ • ⭐️ ▃ ★. PLaYTiMe. __ STaRTs _ NoW ★ • ▃ ⭐️• ★ - 25
(Dallas, In/Out.Prompt&Ready.I; Drive Myself)
a fun buddy with no strings attached
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls, everywhere)
——— ●█▀█▄ ●█▀█▄ —GENTLE TOUCH—— ! TOP ASIAN BODYWORK ! —— 214.937.1363 ●█▀█▄ ●█▀█▄ - 22
(Fort Worth, 733 Grapevine Hwy, Hurst,76054)
Highly Talented Top European Provider, Real Photos, Real Service
(Dallas, Denton, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls)
Fri 10 Jan
Amy Taylor - 36
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls, worldwide by appointment)
* * * Beautiful & Erotic * TS ZUSY * -Sexy & Athletic * WANNA PLAY WITH U TS ZUSY - 24
(Dallas, 635 DALLAS)
BDSM kinky bodywork *** Welcome to Bondassage TM - 38
(Best of both worlds, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls)
Stress Specialist With Special VIP Plus Techniques One Must Experience - 37
(Fort Worth, HEB/ 3 Exits Pass NE Mall/ Mid Cities)
★EVeRY * BoYZ * DReAM °SeXy HoT BLondE° EVeRY * MaNS * FaNtASY★ - 24
(Texoma, IN and outcall specials)
Get ready for Sexual enhancement in 10 min!
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls)
🌸🌸🌸🌸(( AVAILABLE NoW )) *°♥•° O_N _E __ i_N __ A__ M_i_L_ L_i_O_N __ (( BLONDE ))🌸🌸🌸🌸 - 22
(Texoma, Sherman or anywhere you want me)
☆DrOp [•★•] DeAd [•★•] GoRgEouS [☆]*°♥•° O_N _E __ i_N __ A__ M_i_L_ L_i_O_N • °♥•* - 21
(North DFW, Dallas, Hwy 35,Mockingbird,Downtown)
🔥🔥looking to turn up the heat? well look no further🔥🔥 - 22
(Dallas, Denton, everywhere, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls)
kiRRa ♥— SUPeR— ♥— CuTe —♥ NUMBeR 1 iN DallaS—♥— ( iN/OUt SPeCiALS) - 18...350$o.c. - 18 - 18
(Texoma, TeXOMa McKinney, Lewisville! DuRAnt ;-))
🏆🏆 Rare Beauty 💕💋 Blue Eyes 🚨🚨 Red Hair 🚨🚨💯Real 💯💋❤☺ - 23
(Texoma, Durant, Sherman, Texoma, Ardmore, Boh)
I 'M ☆J U § †★TH Â †★G Õ Õ Ã!!!!! NUMBER ONE IN TEXOMA! InCAll* oUtCaLl SpECiaLs! - 19
(Texoma, McKinney.Sherman.Dennison.Durant.Texoma*)
Want Out? National Free Help 24/7: 1-800-551-1300
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls)
dripping slippery specials Savannah💜Young 💜Petite 💜SpiNNER 💜 UpScale Freak 💜 - 19
(Texoma, sherman mckinney bonham gainsville)